Learning Firearms
Firearms Training Solutions

RDS Handgun Instructor Firearms Training

Up-Close Handgun - 2 Day Course, 16 hours    

$500.00    800 Rounds

This course focuses on the skill set of utilizing a handgun in close proximity to your target or to an object such as barricades or corners of a home.  Often times being close to the target is forced on the actor by the location of an incident and this often includes being indoors or contained by objects found in the real world.  This course was developed after reviewing real life scenarios and officer involved shootings that could occur both inside a residence or in common areas.   The student will also learn reality based technique of handling and using a firearm in close common areas, such as doorways, corners or up-close environments and perform those skills in a variety of drill scenarios with props.  

While there will be marksmanship drills at distances out to 25 yards, the focus of the course is under 10 yards.  This distance is based of data of engagement distances from the majority of self defense and officer involved shootings and common indoor dimensions.  When the distance is decreased, the advantage to the skilled shooter over an assailant also decreases.  Therefore speed and efficiency need to increase.   Retention shooting and concerns over the proximity to the threat are elements of training.  

This course is a sister course to Up-Close Carbine and the crossover and continuity of drills is obvious if a students takes both courses.  

The learning objectives for the course are:

-Safe handling and manipulation of handgun, including in retention and nontraditional positions

-Draw and presentation of handgun from duty gear or concealment

-Marksmanship assessment drills

-Methodical break down of the draw and getting the gun on target

-Shooting from non-conventional positions and retention

-Lateral and practical movement

-Use of firearms around objects, cover and barricades

-Practical follow through and reengagement

-Contact shooting and manipulation

-Physical contact and altercation shooting

-Firearm retention

-Manipulation and clearing with a firearm indoors

-Shooting drills building upon the above objectives

Required Equipment:

-Pistol from reputable manufacturer in good, safe working order.  It is recommended to use a larger frame type pistol for comfort and capacity.  If all you have is a small compact carry pistol, reloading magazines will be a hurdle for you.  Additionally most small compact pistols are not comfortable for prolonged shooting.  This course is skill focused and using your daily carry equipment is encouraged, however if you daily carry gear is sub-optimal, ie a pocket pistol, you will need to reconsider your firearm choice.

If your pistol has a red dot sight, appropriate maintenance tools for zero adjustment, battery replacement and cleaning.

-Quality ammunition from reputable manufacturer: 400 Rounds per day of training

-Minimum of 3 Magazines, extra magazines are highly recommended and are required for low capacity pistols or single stack pistols.

-First Line Gear: Sturdy Belt designed and capable of supporting pistol, magazines, gear, etc.  Quality holster for pistol with solid retention, no cheap nylon or generic fit holsters permitted.  Holster must cover trigger guard and retain pistol during movement.  Holsters that use the trigger finger in line with the trigger to release are not preferred, also holsters that colapse inside the waist or prohibit reholstering safely are not permited.  Magazine Pouches/Carriers and a concealment garment based on your realistic everday carry.  Duty gear for LE is encouraged.

*For range drills it is recommended that between first and second line gear student can carry 3-4 magazines.  

-Eye and Ear Protection, electronic highly recomended for safety and to hear instruction/range commands.

-Adequate clothing and footwear for weather, rain gear, jacket, etc.  We recommend dressing in layers.

-Personal equipment: Gloves, Elbow pads, knee pads.  The neoprene type work great, you will be on the ground, kneeling, prone etc. and the pads can greatly aid in comfort.

-Baseball style cap highly recommended

-For breaks at class, bringing a folding or bag chair is a great item to have.  We will have some seating options but a comfortable chair is a nice item to have.

-Personal items such as sunscreen, bug repellant, favorite snacks, etc.

-Gun cleaning/maintenance kit, lubricant of choice, rags or old t-shirts.

-Note taking material, pen, etc.

**Students are also encouraged to bring 2 old T shirts that will be consumed at class in drills as props.  Not something you care about as you won't be taking them back with you.  

A permit to carry holder or one concerned with use of a firearm in close spaces will greatly benefit from taking this course.  Basic permit to carry training is focused on legal aspects and almost all courses have very little live fire training.  In the courses that do have above average shooting portions, we have yet to find one that trains realistic practical skills to help prevail in an altercation where you may need to use deadly force.  Proactive law enforcement agencies offer training to their officers on close quarter shooting, but often most are lacking, outdated or limited by range rules restricting the learning that needs to occur.  This course breaks those boundaries and restrictions and allows realistic, practical training to occur.  

This course is not a beginner course and focuses on a specific skill set.  The student needs to already have a solid understanding of safe firearm handling, manipulation, an established skill set of marksmanship.  

Prior training or experience is required, this should not be your first training course.  The student will need to provide their experience upon registration and will need to be approved by staff before registration will be finalized.  If you have any questions please contact us, we are happy to help find the best class to fit what you are looking for.  Permit to carry training is not sufficient.  

On the start of Training Day 1, there will be a Student Assement exercise evaluation the student's ability to safey handle a firearm and their profieciecy.  Students who do not pass the evaluaton may not be able to particpate in some or all portions of the class.  Safe firearms handling, proficiency with their equipment and an eager open mind are all critical components for attendance in this class.